Hempico - легальные конопляные не чаи и сборы из Сибири
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Best-selling. Buyers choice


Hemp not tea with currant leaf
Hemp not tea with currant leaf


50 g

/kraft package/

 14,47 $ 

11,35 $



Hemp fermented tea
Hemp fermented tea

Hempico Khakassia

75 g

/doy pack zip-lock/

 22,81 $ 

17,60 $



Hemp tea with oregano
Hemp tea with oregano


30 g

/doy pack zip-lock/

 10,31 $ 

7,18 $




Hempico Khakassia



 33,22 $ 

29,06 $

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Special offers. Best prices


Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA 50g
Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA 50g

Hempico Khakassia

50 g

/gift box/

 46,77 $ 

33,22 $



Hemp siberian
Hemp siberian

Hempico Khakassia

30 g

/doy pack zip-lock/

 12,39 $ 

9,27 $



Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA  30g
Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA 30g

Hempico Khakassia


/gift box/

 25,93 $ 

22,81 $



Necha classic
Necha classic

Hempico Khakassia



 25,93 $ 

20,72 $




Hempico Khakassia


/Tuba /

 31,14 $ 

25,93 $




Hempico Khakassia


/Craft /

 17,60 $ 

15,52 $



Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA 20g
Hemp selected inflorescences tea RELAX TEA 20g

Hempico Khakassia


/gift box/

 20,72 $ 

17,60 $



Selected Cones 10g
Selected Cones 10g

Hempico Khakassia


/gift box/

 15,52 $ 

12,39 $

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Hempico. About

When they talk about Siberia, they usually think of Siberian frosts, Siberian taiga, Siberian power, Siberian health ... B In the near future, another stable phrase may appear - Siberian hemp.

The Hempico cooperative is actively involved in the cultivation and processing of this culture in the Republic of Khakassia.

Our products Read completely

Documents. Documents

Date Notification

Hempico Certificates: Date notification

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Hempico certificates: Certificate of registration

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News. News

Hemp CBD Tea 20

Hemp CBD tea 20 g from Siberia - Catalog of legal natural products | Affordable price delivery throughout Russia from Hempico

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Hemp tea in a jar

Hemp non-teas in cans from Siberia - Catalog of legal natural products | Affordable price delivery throughout Russia from Hempico

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Hemp face cream with hemp oil - Catalog of legal natural products | Hempico

Hemp face cream with hemp oil from Siberia - Catalog of legal natural products | Affordable price delivery throughout Russia from Hempico

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Roadmap - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Prospects for the field of hemp farming - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Apak - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Hemp as a valuable raw material - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Hemp oil - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Hemp extracts - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Nechai and stress - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Hemp for pets

Animal feed - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Agrosharing- news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Why prices have decreased - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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The World of Siberia Festival 2022 - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Hemp oil

Hemp oil is an alternative to raw materials that pollute the environment in the chemical and fuel industries.

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Hemp amino acids are also trending in the market of biological additives.

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Product promotion, creation of documents and other "small things" related to this are very important for the future of any modern business.

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We were the very first to start selling cannabis products - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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For the development of a modern agrotechnical complex, specialists with extensive experience in many fields are needed

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Interest in hemp

"I have an increased interest in cannabis... how to treat an agricultural crop!" - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Frames decide everything! Specialists who are passionate about their work can move mountains. Especially if they believe in what they are doing. One of these people is Stepan Tut, an agronomist of the SPSK Hemp & Co. cooperative.

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Hempico: The new super food

New superfood - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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GEMPICO company takes into account the global trends of the sunflower seeds market and Russian realities, working in step with the times. The scientific community actively helps her in all this.

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Bast collection

Bast collection with thyme - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal collections

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Hempico about cooperative

Summary of the project - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Cooperation at HEMPICO is a story not only about the company, but also about the people who created it and continue to do so.

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Interesting facts about hemp

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We are young and and full of ambitions

The prosperity of the country belongs to the young and ambitious. And in this case, for the business ideas of young people from Siberia who have created a unique business project.

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A novelty! Mahun - bast collections with lavender and sage - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Which not tea should you buy?

Our assortment includes a lot of herbal preparations with different flavors, which is why people sometimes get lost and are not sure which drink is right for them. We have prepared this article in order to help you decide!

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Hemp seeds are actively used in herbal medicine. They contain 30-35% fatty oil, 15% protein, vitamin K, mucus and traces of carbine. A decoction is made from 5-10 grams of crushed seed per glass of water, which is a daily dose.

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Any business is always about risk. We had to face popular skepticism. And this is not surprising – the plant from which we produce the product has not the best reputation.

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Production of not tea

We have no secrets from you, because our product is environmentally friendly, does not contain chemicals! Customer trust is important to us, and we believe that you should also know how our hemp collections are made.

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Checks again

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Cannabis and prejudice

Once upon a time, hemp was akin to flax - it was grown almost everywhere, and Russia occupied a leading place in the hemp industry. But, unfortunately, some began to use cannabis for other purposes, which led to its ban.

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Cannabis and terpenes

Terpenes are aromatic compounds whose high concentration is found in cannabis. Biologically active terpenes can affect the body, and their effect will vary depending on the concentration.

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Cannabis and COVID-19

The situation with the pandemic is heating up – the third wave is coming, there are more cases. Of course, there are many ways to prevent coronavirus, but did you know that cannabis is on this list?

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Application in the pharmaceutical industry of drugs based on cannabis cannabinoids

Cannabis was widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases (cough, fatigue, rheumatism, asthma, delirium tremens, headache, etc.). The plant was included in the pharmacopoeia reference books of many countries of the world, including the USSR.

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The realities of hemp farming in Russia

Russia once held a leading position in the world in the cultivation of industrial cannabis. In the Middle Ages, cannabis was grown almost everywhere. What is the current state of cannabis farming in Russia?

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CBD in hemp tea

Cannabinoids are a group of biologically active substances from the chemical composition of cannabis. The following types are distinguished: phytocannabinoids; synthetic cannabinoids; endogenous cannabinoids.

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Is hemp tea a drug?

What is THC and is cannabis tea a drug? - news from Hempico, a manufacturer of hemp non-teas and herbal preparations

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Useful properties of hemp tea

There are few really healthy foods left these days. In the hustle and bustle of the city, people often forget that nutrition is an important part of life, which directly affects our overall well–being.

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Hemp collective farm issues NFT tokens

Hempico is a start-up in the production of hemp products in Russia. Hemp is already legal in Russia. We grow it in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 101 of 02/06/2021.

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Certificates. Certificates


Hempico certificates: a response to the implementation of the RPN regulation

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Hempico certificates: write-off protocol

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Hempico Certificates: seed certificate

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Hempico Certificates: Psycholinguistics

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Hempico certificates: morphological studies

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Hempico certificates: a recipe from the Institute

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Hempico Certificates: new declaration of conformity

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revocation of the declaration

Hempico certificates: reviews of the declaration

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Letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Hempico certificates: THC level in samples

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Letter of recommendation

Hempico certificates:Development Fund of the Republic of Khakassia (letter of recommendation)

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Voluntary certification "Rosselkhoztsentr"

Hempico certificates: Rosselkhoznadzor (phytosanitary passport of the field)

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RF government decree

Hempico certificates: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 101 dated 02/06/2020

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Hemp seeds, whole and shelled

Hempico certificates: declaration of conformity of cannabis seeds

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